Work On Paper: Elizabeth Willow - last chance to see!

Paper, the strength of it, and the fragility. The scent of it. The way it creases and curls, stains and strains, tears, cuts and is cut. Disintegrates and falls like petals, like forgetting.
Kept, pinned here.

Work On Paper is a collection of fragments. It considers the nature of paper, its qualities of strength and delicacy, and its dwindling use as a receptacle for thought and memory.

Elizabeth Willow is a fine artist based in Liverpool. Her work uses sculpture, installation, artist’s books and performance to find meaning and tell stories, exploring our relationships with objects, place and time. 

This delicate show is on until 6pm Tuesday 11th December and admission is free so come down to the Bluecoat and take a look!

See Elizabeth's work on location in Lincolnshire at