Eunice Kim collograph

Whilst browsing the web looking for printing inspiration I stumbled upon the work of Eunice Kim, a Korean born printmaker now based in Seattle. Kim utilises repetitive dots and marks to create subtle and visually stunning work using her chosen medium, collograph. What's even better is she uses sustainable and non-toxic techniques! Fantastic stuff.

Tessellation (144-3) #6, collograph, 2011

After a bit more digging I found an essay written by Kim on the processes she uses - it can be seen at, also an excellent resource for a wide range of printmaking techniques.

Porous #42, collagraph with chine collé, 2007

Take a look at more of her work at, and if you just happen to be travelling around Poland this Autumn you can see her work at the International Print Triennial in Kraków until the 28th October.