The introductory etching group had a really productive six week course. The group learnt how to apply a range of acrylic grounds and aquatint, they then etched their designs onto zinc using copper sulphate. Once they started printing there was no stopping them as they experimented with different ways of inking up their plates and exploring the use of chine colle, dry point card and adding textures to their prints. To find out further information about the introductory level etching or other print courses and workshops at the Bluecoat, keep an eye on our courses and workshops brochure which you can download or if you would like to be on the printmaking mailing list then please email
Rachel Williams revealing her print in the etching studio at the Bluecoat.
Etching with aquatint by Rachel Williams.
Etching with chine colle by Gul.
Etching with Chine colle by Anne Lewis.
Etching with aquatint by Susan Massey.
Etching with chine colle by Claire Campbell
Etching with chine colle by Betty.