Introduction to Artists Books

Tutor : Michelle Rowley

Saturday : 27th June 2009

Time : 10am - 4pm

Cost : £50 / £60

Venue : Bluecoat Print Room

Level : suitable for beginners

This course is an introduction to creating artist books.
There will be tonnes of sample artist books to examine - folded and sewn.
You will look at how materials and form relate to content and then take a chance to have a go at stab stitch and create your own hardback cover.

You must bring in prints or collages and drawings to recycle.

Michelle leads book art projects at the Wirral Metropolitan College and Wrexham Regional Print Center. She is a founder member of Hot Bed and has a book of her own in the Tate Collection.

Contact : The Bluecoat | Tickets and Information - 0151 702 5324